Saturday, September 5, 2009


It's been a while, hasn't it?

Honestly, I don't really have a lot to tell about at this moment. Just been thoroughly enjoying an absolutely splendid summer we have had here in Kansas, and spending as much time outdoors as possible.
As a result, I now have a pretty darn good tan. Although it's a goofy golfer's tan... which isn't really conducive to wearing one's favorite heels. It kind of looks like I've have new feet attached. They are rather pale compared to my legs (at least to the point of about 3 inches above my knees). Oh well... a girl's gotta wear her heels!

(Just between us, I tried to use a darker shade of mineral powder foundation on the tops of my feet in an attempt to help them blend better with my legs. It didn't quite work. I think I needed to go one more shade darker **note to self** But this will be our secret. Wouldn't want anyone to think I was some time of fruitcake now would we?)

There were also more celebrations during my absence from the blogging world: grandson #1 turned 10 -- which is just so hard to believe. Won't be long, little man, before you're a big man!! WOW... that thought makes your Mimi feel really old, kiddo!! :D

And one of MFG's nieces was married (on MFG's birthday even). It was a lovely wedding held in a cute little church camp pavillion, with blue hydrandeas everywhere, including the beautiful bride's bouquet.

Then my Leetle Seester reached one of those really big milestone birthdays. So I had to go cheer her up with some goodies (wrinkle reducing and cellulite erasing creams, Metamucil... you know, that sort of stuff... isn't that what big sisters are for!?). Really, Sis, you look ten years younger than you are, so get over it.

Since I've been such a slacker this summer, I need to head downstairs now to my work room and get caught up on some projects. But before I do, you need to be aware of a great giveaway that is going on here: If you're a Fig Tree fan like I am, you will not want to miss this.

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