Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pawsitive Tails -- Sweet Surrender

Bet you thought I dropped out of the OP Challenge. Nothing since the last post showing the first three completed blocks. Yep, she gave up. Dropped out. Hung it up to dry. Couldn't hack it.

Well, you're wrong.

On the weekend of the virtual retreat with Pat I made a trip to Oooo-kla-homa. My DD had turned another year older and I chose to go celebrate the occasion with her.

Dang it girl! I still can't believe you are.... the age you are. Stop doing that to me!

But before returning to our neck of the woods, MFG and I took a side trip to visit DS#1 and, of course, I had to scoop up our Adorable GrandDaughter and bring her home with us.

This little princess is full of spirit and exuberance, and she just flat wore out her Mimi. But I loved every minute of it.

Tex, on the other hand, was not so keen on having this rambunctious intruder in his castle.

For the first two days of her visit we did not see hide nor hair of the little guy. MFG did spot him peeking his head out of his hiding place one night after AGD Alexis and I went off to bed. Once he determined all was safe Tex proceeded with caution up the stairs for food and water.

Next morning Tex decided to try his luck again and worked his way upstairs only to be spotted by AGD. At the sight of the cat she squealed in delight and went running after him... K I I I I TTTYYY!! Then off he would disappear again as fast as his legs would take him.

This scene was repeated several more times over the course of that day and the next. Each time I would explain to Alexis that when she yelled and ran after the kitty it scared him. That if she would be quiet and gentle he might let her pet him.

Eventually the concept took hold.

On the afternoon of day four we went downstairs for some quiet time. And there was Tex, lying peacefully on the sofa. As softly as she could in her excitement Alexis said, "Mimi, please catch the kitty so I can pet him."

Was I going to turn that down? Absolutely not!

So, quietly we walked to the sofa. I picked up Tex and we all sat down together with me petting and reassuring Tex as we settled in. Then I gently placed kitty on Alexis' lap and we both continued to pet him. Once Tex was relaxed I removed my hand and she continued to stroke his fur ever so gently.

And then it happened...

Tex curled into a soft little ball and snuggled in, right there on Alexis' lap!

And, oh, the look on that precious baby's face!! The melting of her heart poured through her very being. Her limbs and body collapsed into a blissful, enraptured slump. Her facial expressions ranged from sweet surprise, to near tearful affection and delight, then to one of a loving little mama, as a soft, sweet little "ohhhhh" escaped her lips.

How I would have loved for someone to be there to record that moment. That sweet, beautiful moment in time. One that will be etched in my mind forever. A memory that, for the rest of my life, I will recall every time I look at that adorable little girl's face.

So it was for the next couple of days when one little kitty gave such great joy to one precious princess.

Thank you Tex.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest story I have ever heard. My sweet baby girl can make anyone comatosed with her love. Thank you so much for such a great story. We all love you and Alexis misses you greatly.