Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another Fab Contest

A happy Thursday to everyone!

On this frigid and snowy day I am happy to inform you that progress is being made on the disasterous sewing room. All that needs to be done now is to make and hang the curtains. WOO-HOO! I must say that it looks and feels so much better. Well, DUH!!

But even at this stage I feel it will be okay to start on my exchange blocks and finish the quilt in progress without any pangs of guilt.

Before leaving though I have to let you in on another terrific contest. This one is an opportunity to win fat quarters... not-even-on-the-shelf-yet fat quarters... and lots of them!! Just go to Calico Carriage and follow the instructions.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

I entered the contest. Those are beautiful fabrics! I hope I win... thanks ;) Sharon

Anonymous said...

P.S. Have you started your Esther study yet? We start next week...can't wait!! ;)Sharon