Friday, April 24, 2009

Trying Something New and A Giveaway

Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality has praised the benefits of using Windows Live for blogging. So much so that I just had to try it out myself. Supposedly inserting and manipulating pictures is a snap. I certainly hope so, because that seems to take such a v e r y long time – for me anyway – with the format I have been using. So let’s see if it’s true:

Mary Englebreit

Well, that was cool! This program allows you to crop and size and other fun things right here on the page.

Since I'm new to blogging (fairly so anyway -- still learning; does that count as new?), I found writing, editing, linking, pictures, etc. much more user-friendly than that other program. If you're not already using Windows Live, you really should give it a whirl.


I’ve been pretty lax in posting, haven’t I? But it hasn’t been for lack of material. There have been several events in the Plain and Fancy household, what with family, vacation, outings, projects, and “stuff” (as my youngest, during his teen years, used to say)…

Me: “What have you been doing today?”

Him: “Stuff.”

Me: “What did you buy at the mall?”

Him: “Stuff.”

Me: “After 3 years of flying lessons (that have cost me a bazillion dollars), what have you learned to do?”

Him: “Stuff.”

Me: “How exciting that the President of the United States was the speaker at your friend’s graduation ceremony! What did he talk about?”

yep: “Stuff.”

Does anyone else have these same kind of stimulating conversations with your teenage son?

Anyway, I’ll get caught up on “stuff” soon.

In the meantime, the Mary Englebreit fabrics in the picture above… well, I purchased those to participate in a block swap that didn’t turn out so great. And on top of that, I am just not a fan of Mary Englebreit things. Not that there is anything wrong with them mind you, just not my thing.

(Yes, I realize that one should only participate in swaps that appeal to them. But it was my first swap and I wanted to get the jest of the concept; and now that I know, it's time to move on.)

Although my first inclination was to go ahead and make something with these fabrics -- maybe a baby quilt or bag or...something -- I couldn't face the prospect of working with fabrics that didn't at least give me warm fuzzies. Instead I decided why not just find someone to give them a loving home. So as a result of this brainstorm I will be holding my very first drawing.

One lucky winner will receive the group of fabrics pictured, which consists of four fat quarters and two 3/4 yard (approx., maybe more?) cuts. And one runner-up will receive a small batch of 4-patch blocks.

To enter, leave a comment with your name and the state you currently call home (ex: Hi, my name is Iva and I live in Kansas.). Double your chance of winning by mentioning this give-away on your blog.

Drawing will be held on Friday, May 1st (May Day!). Good luck.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Just. Couldn't. Re-sist.

Last week while working on my charity blocks I realized that my fabric stash had a major shortage of light/background fabrics. Since one of the local quilt stores was having a really good sale, I decided while I was already out and about I would stop by and see if they had anything (on sale, of course) to help me fill in those gaps.

But those fabric store ladies are oh-so clever. They know that not only can we quilters not pass up a good sale, but once we're inside that shop we also won't be able to resist all those gorgeous new spring fabrics!!

Don't these look luscious?!

MFG would be thrilled to know that I did restrain myself and only bought a ~few~ Fat Quarters (that is if he was even aware of these purchases to begin with... shhh). There were so many more just calling out to me. So, you know, I saved a bundle there. Right?

The other good news, Sweetie, is that I saved 31% on the already marked down price of those other yardages that I "needed"!

So see, you married such a clever shopper.

Ladies, go check out Judi's new pattern, Strippin' Time. She's having a giveaway to celebrate.

Edited to say: Almost forgot to tell you that Coffee Time Stitches is also having a giveaway to celebrate her 400th post. Hurry over!!!