First I didn’t think we would ever have warm weather. Now I’m not sure it will ever stop raining. My fear is that summer temps will take effect before we even get to experience spring. Really though, I can’t complain, because there have been some really splendid days interspersed with the cold and wet.
But this weekend, rain or shine, I have got to get these babies in the ground. Otherwise, the Plain and Fancy household will not be enjoying some fresh, home-grown tomatoes and bell peppers this summer.
There is another tray of plants above this one and I have NO idea where I’m going to put them all! Because we don’t have a large backyard (and the neighbors would not appreciate me creating a garden in any part of my street-facing front yard area), they will all have to get scrunched into the flower beds. That should be an interesting sight!
But, oh my, am I ever looking forward to eating some “real” tomatoes!
In addition, I have to get my basil and parsley seeds in the ground – and pray this weekend’s rains don’t wash them away!
PLUS… I have started a new project (surprise!): re-upholstering the dining room chairs.
Not something I’ve ever done, so I need a little encouragement and support here!
Then there is the Orange Crush project to finish.
(Remember this from the OP challenge? Still not done!)
And the “Danielle” quilt project…
(She’s much further along than when this was posted.)
Not to mention completing the de-construction of Aunt Josie’s project.
(Exciting news – at least for me anyway! I have come up with a new design for her quilt, which is partially sketched out. Still working on ideas for the borders though.)
Lastly is the sweater that I am knitting. Which I won’t bother with a picture of that until I see how turns out. Since it is my very first knitted sweater it could end up being a complete disaster!
So what do you think? A little A.D.D.?
Have a glorious weekend!